New to Living the Dream?

Welcome to our silly comic strip about family, parenthood, pop culture, all things nerdy, and two aging geeks struggling to keep up with it all. Expect hijinks, flights of fancy, and oh so many 80’s references. Before you start reading, get to know the characters…

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Mugsy’s father.

Single parent, friend, middle-aged man-child. Wants to be cool but rarely knows what’s going on.

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Jasper’s son.

Too clever for his own good. Owns all the devices. Consumes all the content.

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Walliver’s father. Married to Wendy.

Family man, middle-aged nerd, big lug. Has never tried to be cool.

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Cliff and Wendy’s son.

Sweet kid, usually the smartest one in the room. Follows Mugsy everywhere he goes.

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Walliver’s mom. Married to Cliff.

Idiot wrangler. Wine drinker. Creative and fun.


Start reading at the beginning, with the latest comic, or visit the archives!